hunched back swordtail

Freshwater Tropical Fish & Plants Discussion
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My SetUp: Three tanks: 5 gallon used as a nursery; 10 gallon, has four small guppies and four micky mouse fish and three neons, 20 gallon, male, and female swordtail, male and female platy male guppy three baby guppies don't know what they are yet and three baby platies.

hunched back swordtail

Post by Jamilw1989 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:16 pm

hey Gerwin my female swordtail i noticed tonight is hunched over when she swims and she really isn't wanting to be very social. the only fish she will let near her is the male. she doesn't look pregnant but she looks all hunched over and just isn't acting right. what could be wrong with her and what can i do to help her?

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Re: hunched back swordtail

Post by Gerwin » Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:48 am

I cannot tell you for sure, this is one you will have to research on and teach me :thumbup: I know poor breeding can lead to these disorders on fish but do not know if it can kick in late in life, its also possible it has to do with nutrition or water parameters or even over breeding. I cannot say I have ever seen a fish "turn around" from this condition but I have seen them live for quite sometime

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My SetUp: Three tanks: 5 gallon used as a nursery; 10 gallon, has four small guppies and four micky mouse fish and three neons, 20 gallon, male, and female swordtail, male and female platy male guppy three baby guppies don't know what they are yet and three baby platies.

Re: hunched back swordtail

Post by Jamilw1989 » Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:13 am

Gerwin wrote:I cannot tell you for sure, this is one you will have to research on and teach me :thumbup: I know poor breeding can lead to these disorders on fish but do not know if it can kick in late in life, its also possible it has to do with nutrition or water parameters or even over breeding. I cannot say I have ever seen a fish "turn around" from this condition but I have seen them live for quite sometime
ok thanks i will look into it.

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My SetUp: Three tanks: 5 gallon used as a nursery; 10 gallon, has four small guppies and four micky mouse fish and three neons, 20 gallon, male, and female swordtail, male and female platy male guppy three baby guppies don't know what they are yet and three baby platies.

Re: hunched back swordtail

Post by Jamilw1989 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:26 pm

what i have found just looking on google it says that they become that way when they are going to die. i can't be sure because its google. but i am going to quarntine her and medicate her with some of the stuff you gave me to fight ick maybe thats her problem i really don't know she was kinda white on the bottom anyway its hard to tell.

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Re: hunched back swordtail

Post by Gerwin » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:09 pm

I doubt the ick meds will help.
and hunch back is not a normal symptom of death, nor does it mean they will die soon as I mentioned earlier I have seen them go like this for a long time and then also have seen them perish as well.

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My SetUp: Three tanks: 5 gallon used as a nursery; 10 gallon, has four small guppies and four micky mouse fish and three neons, 20 gallon, male, and female swordtail, male and female platy male guppy three baby guppies don't know what they are yet and three baby platies.

Re: hunched back swordtail

Post by Jamilw1989 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:19 pm

Gerwin wrote:I doubt the ick meds will help.
and hunch back is not a normal symptom of death, nor does it mean they will die soon as I mentioned earlier I have seen them go like this for a long time and then also have seen them perish as well.
well she perked up a little bit after i put some in there but now she is back laying on the bottom of the tank. she doesn't 'Look' sick. I have her issolated from the rest of my fish so if she is sick they don't get it. she just lays there staring at nothing her fins are going a hundred miles an hour. a few times she will get up swim a lap around the tank and then lay back down. Its weird i am used to seeing a fish either die from ick or get sucked into the filter never seen them die any other way. this is strange to me.

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My SetUp: Three tanks: 5 gallon used as a nursery; 10 gallon, has four small guppies and four micky mouse fish and three neons, 20 gallon, male, and female swordtail, male and female platy male guppy three baby guppies don't know what they are yet and three baby platies.

Re: hunched back swordtail

Post by Jamilw1989 » Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:52 pm

She's dead. :x I got home from your place and walked past the tank to go put the rest of the fish where they were going and notice she was dead on the bottom of the tank. O well. :( i tried to save her. will post pictures soon of 20 gallon and 10 gallon :D They are looking great right now! :thumbup:

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