55 gallon freshwater, accessories, etc

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Angel Member
Posts: 82
Joined: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:00 pm
My SetUp: 55g Barb tank...Tiger Barbs, Black Rubies, Green Barbs, Banded Leporinus, and a Red Fin Shark. Clean up crew consists of two small (3") plecos
Location: Saucier, MS

55 gallon freshwater, accessories, etc

Post by Damion » Mon May 09, 2016 12:23 pm

55 Gallon tank less than a year old (bought it when my old one busted a seal last year.
Stand is a few years old but still in great condition.
Lots of stuff to go inside of aquarium, not all pictured.
Lights are upgraded grow lights. I went to convert this to a planted tank last year but the banded leporinus kept ripping up all the plants.
Banded Leporinus, about 7-8" long - beautiful fish.
Danio - getting old and been nipped a few times on his fins by the leporinus.

Located in Saucier, MS.

Asking $300 for everything
Facebook me at facebook.com/mscoast
or call/text 228.365.1883

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