That 'gentle pot scrubber you have,the one thats says won't scratch ** that looks like the same pad I sell for 2.49-2.99, may not be safe for glass!!!! Yes it may look the same, yes you may be able to get like 5 of them for 2.99, but ask my freinds with the 180 tank , or the 75 if it was worth it?
Now I titled it, how cheap are you...that was more to get you to read as I know how cheap all of you are ...ROFLMAO....uh um...excuse me for having some fun....most folks make this mistake as matter of ease, such as they are ready to clean tank NOW and I am not open and that pad looks just like the one at the fish store......well you see how it goes.
Some of these pads at Wally World pot section may work, maybe that thing hanging in your pantry may work, but really folks is it worth riskiing to stare at a bunch of cloudy glass for the next ___ years?
What I do know is for over 20 years I have been doing tank Maint. outside of shop, using the Algae Pads I sell, have not scratched a tank yet, (just dont get a piece of sand/ coral/ gravel/ snail etc) between pad and glass