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Posts: 983
Joined: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:49 am
My SetUp: AGA 150g 48x30x25, Reef Octopus Skimmer, Bio Pellet, Phosphate, Carbon reactor. Mostly a SPS coral tank with a few zoas a Green Polyp Toadstool, a Chalice or two and a couple of Scollys thrown in there. Top Off System and dosing pump system for Calcium and Alk.
Location: D'Iberville Mississippi

Back to Wireless

Post by Redfish » Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:26 pm

Some of you know that I spent about 3 weeks building the new control Panels into my tank stand and that when it was all done and I had moved all of the equipment controls & transformers into the control panels, the result was that I somehow lost my wireless connection from the Apex to the Desk Top computer. I am very much the most computer inept person you have ever seen and I have been driving the members in the Bayou Reef Keeping Forum nuts trying to help me figure this out. After three weeks and countless numbers of stress related headaches over this, tonight was the big night. We are back to having a wireless connection from the Apex to the Desk Top. To the members of Bayou Reef Keeping, that are also members in this Forum, Thanks for all your help and bearing with me thru this problem. Alright, all that being said 8) it wouldn't be me unless I did something :lol: stupid, so here it is: When I tried the solution to the wireless problem that would end up working. I went into the Apex as I had done on numrious other failed attempts to fix the problem before. What I would do is turn the Return pump off, you can hear that when it shuts off, no mistaking that sound, I didn't have to go to the tank to see if the return pump shut off, I could hear weither or not the latest attemt at fixing the wireless problem had worked. The last attempt, that ended up working, the return pump didn't shut off, I was upset again, but something was different in the sounds the tank makes, it was quieter than it normally is. I went over to the tank for a closer look, here it comes :roll: When I was moving all the controls around and untangling wires, I had plugged the Return Pump into the Skimmer outlet on the Apex and the Skimmer into the Return Pump outlet, fixed those wires and we were good.

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